Jungian Hypercrafting Workshop with Shaina Feinberg

Example Hypercrafts

Jungian Hypercrafting Workshop with Shaina Feinberg
Date: Sunday, January 6th, 2013
Time: 2PM – 4 PM?
Admission: $20 (includes materials fee)
*** Limited class size; Must RSVP to shannon@shannontaggart.com

The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity - Carl Jung

Hypercrafting is a powerful tool to help us tap into our own infinite well of creativity. The technique uses play to jumpstart the imagination and get the creative juices flowing. Hypercrafting is about the process not the product. It is great for moving past mental blocks of any kind and an ideal activity to energize your mind for 2013.

A hypercraft is a somewhat hastily produced piece of art, usually inspired by some found objects and added to with other things such as pen, watercolor, whiteout, fabric, stickers, etc. A hypercraft is not required to be made hastily, but generally is assembled in a state of excited, somewhat impatient, creativity; almost haphazard and with a willingness to accept mistakes and keep moving.

The day’s schedule:

  • Introduction to Hypercrafting
  • Discussion of historical Hypercrafters, including Carl Jung
  • Shaina walks you through the Hypercrafting process
  • Spend an afternoon unlocking your creativity while making your own Hypercrafts

Shaina Feinberg is a comedy writer and a performer born and raised in New York City. You can hear her on This American Life, Wiretap and regularly on The Dave Hill Podcasting Incident (on Sirius radio). For the past ten years, Shaina has been facilitating creative writing workshops in under-served communities around New York City. Through these workshops, Shaina has worked with many different populations, including formerly incarcerated, mentally ill, seniors and ex-sex workers. She also has extensive experience as a career coach for performers, writers and artists. Using a variety of techniques, Shaina helps her clients break through mental blocks and insecurity and tap into the infinite well of creativity.

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